• This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated February 5, 2024 by George P.

Failed to deploy in azure

  • When I go to deploy zerto zca in Azure, it returns the error failed to create resource group.
    The permissions, which the managed identity has are: Owner, Storage Blob Data Contributor and Storage Queue Data Contributor in the subscription.
    And managed identity is assigned to Windows VM.
    This error only appears at the end of the installation and I can't uninstall it afterwards.

    Hi Gabriel.

    please post back if you found the fix. we are in the same boat. i have reinstalled Zerto 3 times now with different Zerto support representatives and all 3 times are getting same issue. during initial installation it fails with – cannot create Resource group. if you try to re-run installer it actually attempts to run Repair instead and fails on “Configuration engine Failed to apply”

    Also unable to uninstall – “configuration error” – Value cannot be null..


    seems like managed identity fails to create RG – i even tried to give it owner permission on entire subscription still unable to create RG

    Hi IT.
    I managed to make it work, but I’m still testing it, I haven’t found a pattern yet, but I believe I’ll have it done soon, any updates I’ll post again

    Turns out Market place Zerto managed app is bugged. find managed app and delete it from Azure subscription (this will delete everything that this managed app installed ZCA VM; vNET etc)
    the way i made it work was – created everything manually – Resource group for Zerto; VM; vNET etc

    Hi Gabriel, I’m having the same issue. How did you manage to get yours to work?

    Regards, George.

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