• This topic has 5 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated January 28, 2021 by Kalsang D.

How do we move recovery volume

  • We are migrating our DR/Recovery site SAN data to new SAN.

    How do we migrate recovery volume location to new volume for all protected VMs in Zerto.

    How do we perform on large scale Vms.


    Mike from Zerto here. To perform these types datastore migrations on a large scale, the easiest way to do this is by performing Storage vMotions on your recovery VRAs. Zerto will pick up the changes.

    Hi Mike,

    What about when using vCloud Director as the target platform?  I can certainly svMotion the VRAs, but what about storage policy re-assignment?



    I am also looking for an answer to the vCloud Director question. I am hitting a timeout of 30 minutes when assigning recovery / journal data to a new storage policy. I am running v7.0u3 and the tweak is unavailable until v7.5 to increase the timeout period from 30 minutes.

    I also need a solution for vCloud Director. this thread is a little old, should a new one be started?


    This is Kalsang from Zerto.

    As far as I remember you would need to add the new storage policy in OrgvDC and make sure the recovery host can see it.

    Once that’s done then add the new storage in the ZCM as well. If it was also specified in the ZVM then add the new storage in ZVM under site settings too. Then do the storage vMotion.

    I hope that helps.

    Best regards,

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