• This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated December 15, 2023 by Olivier H.

How to exclude vRA IP Range from ZVM Proxy config

  • Hi,

    I am running ZVM Appliance 10U2 pointing to VMware vCD and vCenter.
    ZVM and vRA are not in the same IP Range.
    ZVM and ESXi host are in different IP range

    A proxy is configured inside ZVML to control its outgoing flows, and vCD and vCenter are properly excluded for avoiding uselessly passing the proxy for getting back to home, but as ZVM needs also to have flows to HTTPS 443 of each ESXi (refering to Flow diagram from Zerto doc), I need to exclude the IPs of all ESXi host to avoid the proxy. If it is simple for vCD and vCenter (just 2 name and 2 IPs), it is more complex for ESXi for which list will evolve

    I could exclude one by one the IP of my ESXi servers, but this is not “dynamic” and I want to exclude the full range of IPs containing the ESXi. It seems the NO_PROXY variable is made for suffixes and not prefixes, and there is no simple way to exclude IPs ranges other than overloading the variable with the full list of all possible IPs which would break something most probably in linux (variable too big, bad processing in programs).

    So questions is:

    • could you confirm ZVML will ONLY USE URL/FQDN request to join ESXi ? in that case I can simply whitelist the full domain like “.mydomain.local”, and not having to care about IPs
    • if not using DNS/FQDN, how to handle an IP range in the exclusion list materialized by this NO_PROXY variable ?


    Small glitch in the title: replace vRA by ESXi

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