• This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated March 20, 2019 by Paul C.

Impact on moving a VM out of VPG or between VPGs

  • Hi,

    Can someone give me some explanations on impacts of performing a Moving of a VM either out of a VPG or between VPGS.

    To be specific, I understand the concept that if you move a VM out of a VPG it will stop being protected.

    But what happens to any previous data in the DR site when I move it out?

    I am also looking at utilising the Backup retention option albeit only for 30 days, what happens if I move out of a VPG or between VPGs with this data please?

    After some extensive searching I did find an article which explains that I can preserve the DR recovery disks.

    Do I assume the same logic can be said for the retention of backups?

    Hi Paul – To begin, I have identified a few short-comings of our documentation so will follow up internally.  Essentially, every time a VPG is deleted or a VM is removed from a VPG a user is prompted to keep or remove the recovery volumes (which can be used later for preseeding). This event  is logged in the system when this is done and the disks are preserved. This is mentioned here (delete vpg), however not in a similar portion of the documentation here (remove vm from vpg). As for backups, these will always be retained.  — Justin

    Thanks for the clarity and follow up Justin, appreciated

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