• This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated June 7, 2021 by Malachy G.

JFLR – On Dedupped Volume

  • Hi All,

    Hopefully a quick on here, relating to JFLR Limitations (Journal File Level Restore (JFLR) Known Limitations – MyZerto as seen in this article.

    I was looking to do a restore from a File Server on a customer site, simple enough but this failed with the “Unknown error. Please contact Zerto Support”

    After reviewing the Limitations number 2 states “FS level compression is not supported.”

    I have checked the FS and this is being actively DeDupped.

    So I am looking confirmation that Windows Server (2012R2) DeDup also falls into this limitation.

    If DeDup should be supported then I will raise a case with Support for a deeper look.

    Thanks in advance for any feedback.



    Hi All,

    Any available responses on this?


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