journal size limit alert keep going on

  • Hi, I’m replicating a VM of 6.3TB.

    During few months, journal size limit alert occasionally issued.

    Increasing journal size is very simple.

    However, after increasing the size, the alert again occurs shortly after.

    Basic alert is 150GB as we know, I increased limit to 1TB but it occurred again.

    DR datastore capacity remains 1.5TB out of 10TB. (journal history is 3days)

    what shoud I looking for?


    Did you solve this ?

    same here

    not solved yet.

    check unlimited journal option is available, but I think it’s risky.

    we planned to extend VM datastore.

    Hi Jaeseong,

    Journal size depends on how “active” your server is. It looks that there are lots of changes going on the server, hence your journal is growing.

    If you a short of free space try to decrease the journal history time for that VPG (by default is 1 Day).

    Hopefully, that helps.


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