• This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated February 13, 2024 by Dave S.

Linux ZVM and HA

  • I have been searching through the Zerto site and cannot find out anything regarding if there is an HA option for the ZVM running on the Linux platform.  We currently are running on Windows with MSCS.  Once I get confirmation that there is HA protection, I think this would be the trigger to switch platforms.



    Hi Dave,

    Currently there is no option for HA,.

    The only real advantage to doing MSCS with Zerto was OS patching but now this requirement has been taken away by the ZVMA (Zerto Virtual Manager Appliance) there is little advantage to having HA on the Appliance itself.

    Feel free to raise a feature request if you feel like is important

    Kind Regards


    Thanks for the feature request suggestion.  I have created FRS-I-973.



    Curious if there has been updates in the past year with Zerto supporting HA in version 10.x?  Any announcements or news regarding this capability?

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