• This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated May 22, 2021 by James J.

Old Files

  • I have two non-clustered hosts that had been used at one time for replication storage. One one host there is now no reference to it for storage and the only thing running on it is a VRA. There are over 1 Tb of of old files still there. Per their filenames they were previously used for replication. Those machines are running on other hosts now.

    I need to use the space so can I remove those files?

    You probably can use RVTools and see if these files are Zombie files and then delete them

    Thank you Ofir for the suggestion. Our institution runs Hyper-V not VMware  so I cannot use RVTools. However, I moved the files to a different location and watched to see if anything broke. Everything was good so I then removed the files as they were zombies.

    Any updates on finding the files not in use?  I need something, I am certain I have zombie/orphaned files but not sure which ones.  I am having to delete and recreate several VPGs because of a storage issue we had, but it is telling me my volume is full.

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