• This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated December 22, 2021 by Denis B.

Site Pairing Zerto 9.0 ZVM to Zerto 8.5 ZVM

  • Has anyone attempted to pair a version 9 ZVM to version 8.5?

    How to pair with the new pairing changes after 7.5:  https://help.zerto.com/kb/000003776

    What I can tell you from my experience is to ensure that TLS is matching on all ZVMs and Hosts. (double check site versions, clocks, don’t be on 7.0U3, etc)

    Here is how to check: https://www.waco-texas.com/userfiles/cms-water/file/how_to_change_TLS_settings.pdf

    How to Upgrade Zerto: Video

    1. Upgrading Your Zerto Environment Best Practices: Upgrade Best Practice
    2. Managed Service Provider (MSP): Please see “Upgrading Environments Which are Connected to Zerto Cloud Manager” section in the Upgrade Best Practice document.

    Always check the interoperability matrix: (https://s3.amazonaws.com/zertodownload_docs/Latest/Zerto%20Virtual%20Replication%20Operability%20Matrix.pdf.)

    And read the release notes:



    The information from Derek A doesn’t answer my question. I work for a CSP, and my question is, “can I pair a Zerto 9 ZVM to a Zerto 8.5 ZVM?” I’m not yet looking to upgrade to Zerto 9 within our infrastructure.

    To simplify:

    Customer has Zerto 9
    We have Zerto 8.5

    Can I pair, or were there new changes in the pairing tokens that won’t allow it?

    Thank you, there were a few details missing like what platform to what platform, and whether there is a ZCC in path.  I believe you are referring to the changes that happened in 7.5 to beef up security.
    <p style=”margin: 0in; font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11.0pt; color: black;”>pairing authentication is only supported for 7.5 – 7.5 site pairing.</p>

    1. The only way to have a 7.0 – 7.5 site pairing is to have it paired previously (e.g. 7.0 – 7.0) then upgrade one site to 7.5, that does not affect existing site pairing.
    2. Not possible to generate token on 7.0 site.

    I have not seen nor heard of issues with my CSPs pairing from customers on prem from 9 to 8.5 cloud recovery.  If you need an NFR key to try it out in your lab please contact your Cloud Architect or Cloud Account Manager.

    Hi Rick,

    Yes you can pair ZVM 9.0 and ZVM 8.5. No change in pairing tokens.

    I have successfully pairing multiple ZVM.


    Denis B


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