Query about Data Protection for Zerto 7.0

  • Posting on behalf of Bethany W.


    Hi Support,

    Our GDPR Team would like to know the following in regards to the new billing for Zerto 7.0 and all ZVMs and ZCAs having to phone home.

    What Data is being sent?

    What Format is this data in?

    Where is it being sent to?

    Where is the data being stored?

    How will this data be used?

    Who and what systems will have access to this data?

    Kind regards,

    Hello Bethany W,

    Please have a look at the Zerto CSP automated billing (call-home) KB:


    Please let us know if you have further questions.

    @Atir C,

    The KB you provided does not answer my above queries.

    That KB only describes what Call Home is, requirements and how to troubleshoot

    Hi Bethany,

    In addition to my colleague’s KB, which partially answers your queries, I would recommend reviewing our privacy policy for further information: https://www.zerto.com/privacy-policy


    Let me know if you have any questions on this matter.

    Hi Yuval,

    Unfortunately this only has the following:

    CSP Billing Information

    On a monthly basis, cloud service providers (“CSP”) submit a report to us by using the reporting feature of our software, or alternatively, by enabling our software to submit the relevant information to us via a secure API in order to produce such a report. These reports cover all usage information from all data centers, and include the number of virtual machines on which our software was operated during the applicable month, as well as other relevant information, such as the name of the protected site, the name of the recovery site, the virtual protection group domain name, the type of virtual machine, etc. We refer to this as the “CSP Billing Information.””


    This uses the term “etc.” we would like to know the specifics of what data is collected not just an open ended statement.





    If the question is around GDPR and right-to-be-forgotten, we have not PII (Personally identifiable information) that is called home from any of our systems (billing or no billing).

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