Rollback 1 minute

  • Hi. I am a new user and have a very simple question. How do you rollback your entire environment (or individual server) 1 minute? I know we a small RPO that is shown in the dashboard so the data is there. It’s just not obvious to me where to do that. We have three VPGs set up (high, medium, and low). It seems like the rollback would be independent of a failover operation, which I have already been messing around with.



    Hey Tom,

    The failover/failback process is really straightforward.

    1. Click the ‘failover’ button in the bottom right-hand corner of the GUI.  By default, it is set to test.  If you switch it to live you will see the screen outline in red – this is to make you aware that you are doing something that could impact the environment.
    2. The next step is to select the Virtual Protection Groups you want to failover.  With Zerto 6.5, you can now perform sub-VPG recovery to recover a subset of VMs within a VPG instead of the whole group.
    3. Once you’ve selected the VPG(s) you want to failover, Click “NEXT” and the next step is to select a point in time to which you want to recover to.  You will see a column labeled ‘checkpoint’.  Clicking here will access the Zerto Journal and provide you with a list of checkpoints available for that VPG.  Since you want about a minute rollback, you’ll be able to scroll down and find a point in time about 60s prior.  Remember the journal has a maximum retention of 30 days!  This can be configured to have a shorter retention period though.  You can also configure pre/post replication scripts here.
    4. Lastly, all you need to do is press go on the summary screen.  With Zerto, you do a lot of the heavy lifting during setup/configuration so when it comes time to failover, there really isn’t much intervention necessary on your part other than clicking a few buttons.

    The whole process is the same for live failovers save for configuring reverse protection, commit policies, etc.

    Hopefully, this helps!  Take care

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