• This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated November 28, 2023 by Pavels R.

Stuck at VPG State Instant VM Restore

  • Iniciated restore of a single VM from VPG but now cannot do anything with restored VM nor Deleted nor Cancel restore from Zerto Console.

    How can I cancel this operation? A cannot do anything with VPG.

    id log a ticket with support and get them to investigate this issues

    I’m just trying trial license and reading documentation. Open a case is the next step. I’thought may be there is best practices for making a copy of a machine. I’m using now Local Continious Backup and sometime we need to restore TEST DB from PROD. Instant Restore is the fastest way. But to that moment can’t now step back. 🙂


    Did you get any good answer from the support to unstuck you from this state?

    I’m facing same issue in my test/lab environment.

    Thanks for your help


    I’ve created ticket and they told me that there is NO normal way to do so only using special command from Shell in order to release its VM.

    The best way is to use then Remote DR and Continious Backup type of VPG and the just using Failover Test. In this case – the desired VM is automatically restored and Turns on. So you need then only to attach if you need Hard Disk to copy to original location.

    There is also option to make an Offsite Clone of desired VM from VPG on any point of time you need but it is slower because it’s copy.

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