• This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated March 14, 2023 by Mohamad Hasny M.

Stuck Bitmap Sync after ESXi update

  • Two weeks ago I upgraded Zerto to Version 9.0 Update 4 Build 090409252.  Last week we started patching our Hosts to VMware ESXi, 6.7.0, 19898906.  After patching and a reboot the VRA reconnects, but all of the VM’s that move to the Host go to Bitmap Sync and stick at 0% with no movement.  We have been doing this for years, and have never seen this issue.  Is this something new?  I have simply been waiting until the end of the day, and then rebooting the Management servers, at which point the VPG’s start a Delta Sync and catch back up, but it’s kind of a pain.  Are we doing something wrong now?

    1. Place Host into MM (VRA shut’s down but doesn’t move)
    2. Patch the Host
    3. Reboot the Host
    4. Once the Host is removed from MM, the VRA powers back up on its own

    After opening a ticket with support, the quick fix was to stop and restart the Zerto service on the Management servers.  Then replication started back up again.

    Mohamad Hasny M

    I’ve restarted the services on both ZVM servers and rebooted both servers, and the issue is still same


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