Unable to mount disk for recovery

  • We are trying to do a file restore but are unable to get the disk to mount. It shots to 80% then hangs for almost an hour before failing with the following:

    When trying to create VBA mediator for session 651746ef-08ab-4dff-90ac-c2a9e6d05fd6.cc5f8962-64cc-450a-8c3b-01260461dfa3 caught exception

    Anyone else come across this

    Hi John,

    Looking in our KB I see an article that outlines a few reasons why JFLR might fail:

    Journal File Level Restore (JFLR) Known Limitations

    Keep in mind with our latest release we’ve extended JFLR support to Linux.

    There is a checklist in the KB you can go through.  If nothing on that list helps your find the root cause of the issue I would open a ticket with support.

    I can also ask my team to see if they have come across this before.

    I hope this helps!

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