upgrade from Zerto 3.5 directly to 5.0 possible?

  • Hallo,

    didnt find this in any topic – is it fine to upgradeĀ  directly from Zerto 3.5 to 5.0?

    We are small instalation, no cloud is used atm.

    Regards Radim

    Hi Radmin,

    Please download the upgrade documentation in the link below. You will need to either upgrade the environment in a stepped procedure, keeping the upgrade path to one version apart (not updates, but versions): 3.5 -> 4.0 -> 4.5 -> 5.0.

    Alternately, you can use the ZVR diagnostics tool to export your ZVR 3.5 VPG settings, uninstall ZVR 3.5, install ZVR 5.0, and use the ZVR diagnostic tool to import the VPG settings into ZVR 5.0.

    Also see the section labeled “Upgrading To More Than One Version Higher” in the document referenced below:

    Upgrading the Zerto Virtual Replication Environment

    Hope this helps!


    Follow me: www.twitter.com/HarrySiii

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