Upgrade version 6.0 to 6.5 U4 Fails

  • “Upgrade Failed

    The Installer failed to upgrade Zerto Virtual Manager on this compter.

    Package: Zerto Virtual Replication Error: Service ‘Zerto Virtual Manager’ (ZertoZvm)
    could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.”

    I have used an account with local administrator access and log on as a service right.

    Any ideas would be great. Also logging a call now.

    Hello support team,

    Elad from Zerto here.

    Please see the following guide on page 10:

    The user who runs the Windows Zerto Virtual Manager service must be configured with
    permission to ‘logon as a service’.

    Please enter the domain username and password of the user who will run the Zerto Virtual Manager Service.
    Please make sure that the domain user has the required privileges.

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