• This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated July 10, 2021 by Kalsang D.

VCD 10.2.2

  • When will Zerto support VCD 10.2.2?

    VCD 10.2.2 was released on 08 April 2021, so Zerto is now in breach of its own 90 days policy: “Zerto will support new platforms, management tools and hosts listed in this document within 90 days of the general availability of a new platform release for the Zerto Virtual Replication releases that are in the General Support Phase.”


    This is Kalsang from Zerto. I hear that Zerto will be certifying the VCD version 10.2.2 from zerto 8.0U3 onwards. However, it seems this would take some time to update in zerto portal officially.

    But below is the currently supported vCD version.


    Best regards,

    I had a support case at the end of May asking if VCD 10.2.2 was supported in 8.5 U3. The response was NO, including the following: Please note that there were cases where the VCD was upgraded to VCD 10.2.2 and the Zerto was disconnected from VCD. (support case #00183525)

    Even if that is the case, I did not receive an answer to my question: When will Zerto support VCD 10.2.2? Breach of policy and all…


    We’d be interested in this a well.

    VCD 10.2.2 certified with 8.0uX

    being on the service provider side there is some effort involved in getting / keeping clients up to date so that we can update our side. We are having to hold off on vCD 10.2.2 at this point as we can’t update Zerto to 8.5 yet for this reason.

    We have done some testing in our lab and it seems to work as expected but would like this to be certified.


    Please bear with us and will get back to you once we have our PM and his team update the official roll-out.

    We would appreciate your patience.


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