• This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated April 1, 2021 by Adam P.

VCD 10.2 support

  • Hi,

    When can we expect a VCD 10.2 support?

    cf. https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Cloud-Director/10.2/rn/VMware-Cloud-Director-102-Release-Notes.html


    Hi David – Zerto is working to get this new version through our QA process. Currently, we are anticipating new information from the findings of our QA process around the second week of November. Having said that, does your team have an estimated time frame or plan to move to this new Cloud Director version? Thanks, Justin

    Hi Justin,
    Thanks for the answer. We plan to upgrade to 10.2 around november/december.

    So that will fit our needs.


    Hi David – just to set expectations, Zerto will not know if anything needs to change in the software to support the new version until around the second week of November. I am saying this just to make sure we’re aligned on expectations. There is a chance that changes in Zerto’s software are needed and will take additional time to be completed; there is a similar change that nothing in Zerto’s software will need to change. Both are possible outcomes following our QA testing and validation; findings and plan will of course be communicated out once we know more. Hope this helps clarify!

    Hi David – this version is now supported. Please reference the interop guide for details.


    Edit: My apologies, David; our team has not yet updated the interop document quite yet. Having said that, our team confirmed that Zerto version 8.0 update 3 and above support this version of VCD. The interop details will be updated over the coming weeks.


    The interop guide calls out that 8.5 U2 works with vCloud 10.2, does this also cover vCloud 10.2.1?




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