VM Performance

  • Hi All,

    We had 2 VMs on 2 dedicated hosts failover to 2 dedicated hosts in DR for testing

    The VMs appeared to failover correctly and all appeared ok but after a period of time the performance was awful to the point where the servers completely froze

    Both VMs had 96GB RAM and the hosts had plenty of resources

    Performance troubleshooting was carried out and nothing significant could be seen on Disk,memory or CPU

    We are wondering could the VMware build versions cause a problem here as they were different on source and destination

    The VMware version should not have any effect on the VM’s performance. Technically speaking when Zerto does a failover it builds a new VM that is compliant with the version you are failing over to and then just attaches the disk’s that have been replicated to that VM.

    Were you running a live failover or a failover test ?

    If all else fails I would open a support case so that a Zerto support engineer can pull some logs and check things out for you.

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