• This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated July 29, 2019 by Matthieu B.

VRA TCP Flow Counts

  • We are having an issue in our environment where our SilverPeak HW appliances are underperforming their advertised specs (5Gbps WAN optimized throughput capability).

    Our network team has spent a month with SP support, and they are coming back with the RCA of teh Zerto VRAs are creating too many TCP sessions (100,000+).  They have asked we look at potential advanced configs to limit the number of streams between our Source/Destination site if possible.

    Anyone know of any tweaks that can change how the VRA manages sessions etc.?  I doubt there is such a setting….  opening a ticket with support as well to ask.

    Anyone else had this issue between Source/Destination sites, perhaps with SP or another WAN optimized solution?

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