VRA’s not powering down for maintenance

  • Hello all.  We are running vCenter 7.0 Update 3Q and Zerto 9.7 U4 patch 3.  After migrating vCenter over to use images over baselines for ESXi patching, I’m seeing issues.  VRA’s won’t automatically shutdown, and due to affinity rules put in place during installation, they cannot be migrated to another host.  I’m left with manually putting hosts into maintenance mode, then patching.  This is fine and all, but we have a little over 220 hosts in our environment, so this takes quite a bit more time than it used to.  Is there any way to get around this?

    Here’s an example of the errors I see when trying to patch.

    “Failed to get host recommendation from DRS to enter maintenance mode. The operation will be retried per the cluster remediation delay and retry settings.
    06/12/2024, 7:18:25 AM:Failed getting host recommendation from DRS to enter maintenance mode for cluster. Reason: ‘Virtual machine would violate a virtual machine – host affinity rule.'”

    Is this a storage DRS?

    Check if this helps: Ignore Storage DRS Affinity Rules for Maintenance Mode (vmware.com)

    No, this is not storage DRS.  I did test prior to starting this topic and have tried that, but does not help.  This seems to be an issue powering the VRA’s down

    We’re also experiencing the same issue using ZVMAs on 10.0U3P1, we are unable to use vLCM to patch our hosts. vLCM seems to be preventing the host from going into maintenance mode because of the affinity rules associated with the host’s VRA. This is not a storage DRS for us either.

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