• This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated April 22, 2023 by Harriet A.

Weekly Report for RPO on all VPG’s

  • I am trying to get weekly RPO reports generated for all our VPG’s and sent to my email.

    I don’t really see anything to achieve this in Analytics?

    Is this possible? How can it be done?

    Hello Team,

    Kyrylo from Zerto Support here

    The information is organized by organization and within each organization by site, then virtual protection group (VPG) and then by the virtual machines in each VPG.

    So I am talking about the Monthly Usage report under the REPORTS tab. The Monthly Usage Report can only be viewed with a cloud license.

    Please see this link for more detailed information: https://help.zerto.com/bundle/Admin.HV.HTML.90/page/Content/AdminVC/Monthly_Usage_Report.htm

    This report must be exported as a .csv However, if you would like a custom solution for your needs you would need to have a script created.

    Your team can create the script with the API or you can utilize our professional services for this.

    You would have to reach out to your account manager to inquire. https://help.zerto.com/bundle/API.ZVR.HTML.85/page/Content/ZVR_APIs/Resources_Report_API.htm

    It is possible to generate weekly RPO (Recovery Point Objective) reports for all your VPGs (Virtual Protection Groups) and have them sent to your email. However, it may require using third-party tools or custom scripting to achieve this. One possible solution is to use Zerto Analytics, which provides a comprehensive overview of your protected workloads and VPGs. To get weekly RPO reports for all VPGs, you can configure the Zerto Analytics dashboard to display the RPO metrics for each VPG and then manually export the data to generate reports. Another option is to create custom scripts using Zerto REST APIs to automate the process of generating weekly RPO reports for all VPGs. This approach would require some coding expertise, but it would allow you to schedule the reports to be generated and sent to your email automatically. Overall, while Analytics may not provide a direct solution for generating weekly RPO reports for all VPGs, there are ways to achieve this through custom scripting or third-party tools. It is recommended to consult with your IT team or Zerto support or check here for guidance on the best approach to meet your specific requirements.

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