• This topic has 41 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated May 17, 2022 by Lee B.

When can we Expect Zerto ESXi 7.0 U3 support?

  • Because of the Major BUG fixes in ESXI 7.0 U3c, it would be nice that Zerto supports this version also, so we do not have a very long waiting time upgrading our ESXi hosts. Customer Images from several hardware vendors are in place quite some time. Please confirm expected date for Zerto Support on ESXi 7.0 U3c, thanks in advance

    Hey Zerto staff,

    Can you give us an update on timing for a patch?

    The last we heard was “1-2 weeks” on the 21st of Feb. It sounds like there are several of us that are relying on contingency plans and are probably burning $ until this is fixed.

    Some additional communication would be appreciated– for our own sanity and also so we can make informed decisions.

    Thank you!


    Hey Zerto,


    We are another customer running VMware that are unable to patch vulnerabilities due to Zerto not supporting ESXi 7.0 U3. Please sort it ASAP!



    Any update on on the progress of a Zerto Patch that would support ESXi 7.0.u3c ? I know Justin from Zerto had posted that a patch was in the QA stage, I understand this Vmware “Patch” was substantial and that makes a patch more difficult. The problem is security issues forced my company to apply the Vmware patch and now we have lost our major DR contingency plan ( ZERTO )


    I guess I’ll add myself to the list of impacted admins. I am forced to deploy a host this week at 7.0u2 to accomodate a client. It would be great if 7.0u3 was compatible by then.

    Hello all,

    Zerto has been looking at several ways to implement support for 7.0 u3. Some of these solutions look great on paper, but once implemented they are not so great during our QA process. That is why several weeks ago I said “1-2 weeks” and it has turned into more than that.

    We are QA testing several other possible solutions now. We are confident that one solution imparticular will meet our requirements.

    We take great care to make sure that we don’t release something that will cause inconsistencies in customer data. The last thing we want to do is release something and then need to pull it back.

    As soon as I get a more firm release date for the patch I will reply, in the meantime please know that this issue has the highest visibility within Zerto across all departments.

    – Justin

    For what I’m paying in Zerto licensing support, I may be able to re-activate my VMware SRM licenses for that cost and likely save money down the road…Definitely looking into that at my renewal in a few months.  Ridiculous that they’re just shrugging their shoulders and saying, “eh, it’s not on the matrix”….

    @Steve I’m with you… Our Zerto Environment is down since 4 Weeks now… This is a desaster for a paied Enterprise Software! Each OpenSource Project has faster and better community support as Zerto has in this case here!

    VMware has release some critical security patches in 7.0U3c and Zerto need WEEKS to support a patch update! I think, this is not acceptable…!

    We are now in the same boat… just did a vxrail upgrade last night and now Zerto is BUSTED.

    Come on Zerto, we like the product, but you need to do better for your customers.  Support has really gone downhill in the past year to year and a half.



    I see VMware released 7U2e last month with the security vulnerability patches for those not prepared/able to upgrade to 7U3.  I feel bad for those that have broken Zerto environments, but do you not test first?

    Hello Zerto,

    Please confirm 7.0 U3 support?

    Justin P said almost 1 month ago “The short answer is that we hope to have a patch released in the next 1-2 weeks”

    Please confirm patch realease, for support ESXi 7.0 U3.

    So most of you guys here upgraded ESXi without checking compatibility for your environment first, and want to blame Zerto?  Okay then….

    Hello Jason,

    This is not the case for us but I believe blaming customers for not checking Zerto compatibility is not fair as even it has passed more than 1 month, Zerto still did not provided an update. Due to security concerns, most enterprise pushes technical teams to patch latest versions, if Zerto is not capable of providing updates on time, this is where customers have rights to blame Zerto.

    Personally -if you are really that much interested- during the replacement of legacy hardware, I installed new ESXi nodes with latest version hoping that Zerto will publish supported version soon but seems this is not the case and because of that I am still keeping old compute and storage hardware even they are already EOL. Customers are paying for support so they have right to ask when the new version will be published.

    Long but short, it is not the problem that customers does not read compatibility guide, even it seems so to you.

    I got messed up because the compat matrix confused me when I saw support for vCenter 7.0 U3*, but missed the tiny asterix stating esxi u3 not supported.   Not only that, there were definitely a lot of customers that were unfortunate enough to go to the u3 a&b releases that were pulled and assuming they didn’t downgrade (which with vSAN is technically impossible) were relieved and forced to move to u3c.  Over and above that, a LOT of major vendors started putting out updates based on 3c only days after its release.  EMC for example released their 7.0.320 code level for vxrail the day after vmware released.  Most of the other vendor custom ISO’s were also available the day after the release.  The bottom line is vendors, including zerto, have access to the code long before its released, and if nothing else they could have been doing R&D and Q&A on the early releases of 3* which from what I understand share the same architectural changes that 3c has.  I’m now 6 weeks without DR, and not looking very good in the eyes of my superiors.  I will never make this mistake again, that’s for sure.

    I stand by my original comment.  If the engineer installing an upgrade doesn’t check for compatibility before applying a major upgrade to a foundational component like ESXi in your organization, then that is his error ALONE.  It is grounds for termination in most organizations.

    I’m hoping Zerto has support for 7.0U3 here very soon as well, but blaming Zerto for upgrading without checking the support matrix is too much.

    We are also being impacted by not having a 3c compliant version of ESXi.  IMHO, there was no reason why work could not have continued with the early U3 versions that did get released.  What they were fixing was NOT that monumental to invalidate the changes that would be necessary.  Its not like VMware is going to take them away.  I actually talked to VMware about this and they confirmed that the architectural changes between 7.0U3/a/b are in c.   for those that had to update to 7.03C, i get  it.  I am getting hammered by InfoSec to get patched PLUS there are fixes in U3 that we desperately need for how we are running our VMware environment.  I am seriously considering disabling Zerto and going back to our previous version until a fix is available.  Zerto should be prepared for Customers requiring service/support credit….I know I will certainly be asking for it.

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