• This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated March 3, 2020 by Neal S.

ZCA Install for 2nd Subscription and Error at End

  • I am performing a custom install of ZCA on an Azure Windows Servers because we cannot use the MarketPlace Appliance due to needing Public IP’s. At the end of the install process, I get an error “Azure Credentials Failed to register application in Azure”. It passes all of the tests on the previous screen.

    There is already a ZCA server in Azure which is associated with SubscriptionOne, this new ZCA server is for SubscriptionTwo.

    The account being used to install ZCA has the Owner Role for the subscription and the VM Object has the correct IAM role as Contributor.

    In Azure Applications, I see the Zerto Cloud Appliance Application which is owned by the account I am using to do the install.

    Anyone know what could be causing this issue?


    What region are you using?  You may be able to install 7.5 if you are in a supported region and no longer have to worry about the permission to register an AD application because of the switch to using Managed Identities.  Check here to see the latest supported regions: https://www.zerto.com/myzerto/knowledge-base/zerto-field-notice-ftn-20191104-zerto-7-5-azure-platform-update-on-microsoft-incremental-snapshots-preview/


    Keep in mind that the application registration is done against Azure AD, not the subscription.  Therefore you will need the proper AD permissions in your tenant to register.

    See the following Microsoft documentation for further details on how to set the proper permissions:

    NOTE: By default, only the “Global Administrator” and “Application Developer” roles have permission to register AD applications.

    The alternative to this role is to assign the “Users can register applications” feature to yes via the below steps:
    1. In the Azure portal, go to the User settings section under Azure Active Directory.
    2. Change’ Users can register applications’ to Yes.

    Note: This will allow all AD users to register AD applications and may not be desirable.

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