IDC Spotlight: Creating a Cohesive Disaster Recovery and Cyber-Recovery Strategy - Zerto
IDC Spotlight: Creating a Cohesive Disaster Recovery and Cyber-Recovery Strategy

Only 36%* of respondents have an integrated DR and CR solution in place. Are you prepared?

Traditional approaches to backup and disaster recovery are not sufficient when it comes to Cyber-Recovery. Organizations without an integrated Cyber-Recovery strategy could be leaving themselves vulnerable in the event of an attack.

In this research, IDC spells out the most critical elements to consider when approaching a cyber resilience strategy:

  • Does your organization have the right combination of systems, people and processes to respond quickly?
  • Do you have isolated "air-gapped" recovery environments, immutable copies, and appropriate malware detection?
  • In the event of an attack, how quickly can you recover?

*Source: IDC Spotlight Paper, Sponsored by Zerto, Creating a Cohesive Disaster Recovery and Cyber-Recovery Strategy for 2024-2025, #US52343424, (June 2024)

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