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Navigating Data Resilience with Zerto: Insights from the Global CrowdStrike Outage

In an era where data is the lifeblood of organizations, ensuring its resilience against unexpected outages is paramount. The recent CrowdStrike outage that impacted millions of Microsoft Windows devices worldwide has highlighted vulnerabilities within many companies’ disaster recovery frameworks. This brings the essential role of robust disaster recovery and business continuity solutions like Zerto to […]

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How Are Organizations Protecting Their Data in the Cloud?

How Are Organizations Protecting Their Data in the Cloud?

May 6, 2021
Est. Reading Time: 4 minutes

A new study reveals key year-over-year trends in how IT organizations are capitalizing on cloud services as part of their data protection strategy. As organizations continue to adopt public cloud services for business-critical data, many users are confused about what these data protection solutions actually provide—leading to potential data loss and compliance risks. Additionally, on-premises […]
Protecting the Patchwork of SaaS

Protecting the Patchwork of SaaS

May 4, 2021
Est. Reading Time: 4 minutes

Marc Andreessen, co-founder and general partner of venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz said that software is eating the world in 2011. Now, 10 years later, we can safely say that while software may be eating the world, services are eating software. SaaS and its Advantages Software-as-a-Service (or SaaS for short) is the predominant way of […]
Niagara Health Gets Full Disaster Protection With Zerto

Niagara Health Gets Full Disaster Protection With Zerto

April 29, 2021
Est. Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Blog Post by John Skarja, Enterprise Architect at Niagra Health Healthcare IT, particularly business continuity (BC) and disaster recovery (DR) a, can be one of the most challenging jobs in the industry. Data is often personal, sensitive and legally protected by HIPAA and other compliance mandates. Service Level Agreements (SLA) for recovery times are […]
ZertoCON 2021 Recap: The Best News

ZertoCON 2021 Recap: The Best News

April 20, 2021
Est. Reading Time: 4 minutes

We had an amazing ZertoCON this year and hope you were able to join us. But if you missed us, or you didn’t get to see every session, or you just want to revisit a session, we’ve put together a microsite with information and replays about everything we covered.   Our experts went over the newest Zerto product innovations, offerings and the coming enhancements to our platform. ZertoCON 2021 was packed with announcements, launches, and news on:   Zerto for Kubernetes  […]
Why Out of the Box SaaS Protection Isn’t Enough

Why Out of the Box SaaS Protection Isn’t Enough

April 20, 2021
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

Yes, Your SaaS Data Needs Backup  Just because your software-as-a-service lives in the cloud doesn’t mean your data is backed up. But Zerto Backup for SaaS, powered by KeepIt, can change that.  SaaS solutions are terrific. They’re scalable, affordable, fast, and when something goes wrong with the software, the vendor fixes it and gets it back online. But a lot of users don’t know that when (not if) something […]
Announcing Zerto on IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions Shared

Announcing Zerto on IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions Shared

April 13, 2021
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

We added disaster recovery to public cloud with VMware vCloud Director (vCD). Modern midsize and SMB organizations continue to unlock the operational and infrastructure benefits of the cloud, especially hybrid-cloud solutions like IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions Shared. IBM’s solution removes capital expenditures, added labor, and maintenance required in traditional on-premises data centers. Through its […]
Unlock Continuous Cloud Protection: ZertoCON 2021

Unlock Continuous Cloud Protection: ZertoCON 2021

April 6, 2021
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

Hear exciting new announcements to the Zerto Platform, learn what makes Zerto tick, and get pro tips on making your day-to-day easier when it comes to protecting, moving and recovering your data and applications. Join us at ZertoCON on April 20, 2021, to learn valuable, actionable knowledge you need to continuously protect your data with […]
As World Backup Day Turns 10, Here’s Why It’s Still As Important As Ever

As World Backup Day Turns 10, Here’s Why It’s Still As Important As Ever

March 31, 2021
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

World Backup Day has been around for a decade, and its pledge, “I solemnly swear to backup my important documents and precious memories on March 31st,” remains as relevant and as important as ever. But what started as a personal reminder as people were adopting personal computers quickly became a much bigger reminder for today’s […]
Why Continuous Backup Really Matters. The Memes Say It All!

Why Continuous Backup Really Matters. The Memes Say It All!

March 30, 2021
Est. Reading Time: 5 minutes

And the winners are... We set out on a journey to have a little fun with humor and see just how people feel about the shortcomings of traditional periodic backup versus modern continuous backup solutions like Zerto’s. We’re excited to announce the winners of our Backup Meme Contest hosted by Zerto! In March of 2021, […]
Disaster Recovery vs. Backup: Are the Lines Blurring?

Disaster Recovery vs. Backup: Are the Lines Blurring?

March 25, 2021
Est. Reading Time: 5 minutes

Data Everywhere Business continuity is an area of increasing complexity in the current multi-cloud IT paradigm. In the old days, we used backups to protect against ‘localized’, limited-impact data loss, like a single system crash, and small-scale data loss. On the other hand, disaster recovery is a set of plans and technical capabilities that help […]
Simplify Migrations with Zerto

Simplify Migrations with Zerto

March 17, 2021
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

Zerto can migrate virtualized workloads from one part of the world to another in less time than it takes you to register for our data migration webinar. You have a million reasons why you need to move your data—consolidation, cost savings, location, new servers, and on and on. Chances are you’re dreading this major chore […]
More Good News on the Zerto Solution

More Good News on the Zerto Solution

March 9, 2021
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

At Zerto, we just can’t wait to share it.  Since our very first fully on-demand and virtual ZertoCON last year and our October Virtual launch event we’ve been raising the bar even higher to bring you the latest and greatest in backup and disaster recovery, based on a foundation of continuous data protection. We can’t wait to show you the results in our industry-leading Zerto […]

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