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Navigating Data Resilience with Zerto: Insights from the Global CrowdStrike Outage

In an era where data is the lifeblood of organizations, ensuring its resilience against unexpected outages is paramount. The recent CrowdStrike outage that impacted millions of Microsoft Windows devices worldwide has highlighted vulnerabilities within many companies’ disaster recovery frameworks. This brings the essential role of robust disaster recovery and business continuity solutions like Zerto to […]

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Zerto Introduces the General Availability of New Features and Functionality with the Release of Zerto 7.5 Azure Update

Zerto Introduces the General Availability of New Features and Functionality with the Release of Zerto 7.5 Azure Update

November 4, 2019

Zerto is delighted to introduce the general availability of new features and functionality with the release of Zerto 7.5 Azure Platform Update.  Zerto has partnered with the Microsoft Azure Storage Team to enable support for Incremental Snapshots of Azure Managed Disks. When customers choose to upgrade, they will realize huge value from the pursuit of pure performance, robust service levels […]
VMworld Europe: zExperts Ready to “Make their Markers” Work

VMworld Europe: zExperts Ready to “Make their Markers” Work

November 1, 2019

VMworld Europe: ¿Estás listos?  It's that time of year again when many Zertonians head out to Barcelona to paint VMworld red! With only a few days left we thought we'd share some of the must-attend activities we have going on!  Before VMworld officially starts we are spending time with the VMworld Rockstars at the annual vRockstar party. As a sponsor we are looking forward […]
Migrating Your Workloads to Azure. As Easy As 1, 2, 3!

Migrating Your Workloads to Azure. As Easy As 1, 2, 3!

October 29, 2019
Est. Reading Time: 4 minutes

Migrating Workloads to Azure. Easy as 1, 2, 3! Right?  Migrating your workloads and applications to a public cloud like Azure makes a lot of sense. But while adopting the cloud presents several benefits, there are some industry-wide challenges you may face when looking to migrate into Azure.   Does testing equal disruption?  For example, before you ever migrate, you must test and validate your recovery. Yet, testing […]
Avoid Healthcare IT Disasters – Protect More Than Patients. Protect Your Business.

Avoid Healthcare IT Disasters – Protect More Than Patients. Protect Your Business.

October 24, 2019
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

Digital disruption in healthcare is moving fast. Data in EMR systems, billing systems, telemedicine, care collaboration notes and research studies are growing exponentially, making it challenging to quickly find and tap into the right data to reach the best diagnosis and care plan for the patient. In addition to the sheer volumes of growing data, […]
Stories to Scare the I.T. Out of You

Stories to Scare the I.T. Out of You

October 14, 2019

It’s 10PM… do you know where your backups are? If the ghosts of incidents past come haunting you this Halloween, take comfort in knowing you’re not the only IT pro to have faced sleepless nights from frightening disasters of all kinds. Do any of these spooky tales sound familiar? The end user who haplessly introduced […]
Zerto Announces Public Preview of Zerto 7.5 Support for Azure Managed Disks

Zerto Announces Public Preview of Zerto 7.5 Support for Azure Managed Disks

September 24, 2019

Today Zerto announced important new features and functionality with the release of the 7.5 major update.  We are very excited to partner with Microsoft Azure Storage team to drive the path of innovation and evolution further forward for a wider variety of uses cases to help customers move to Azure through multi-cloud, disaster recovery and migration solutions. Microsoft announced the public preview of incremental snapshots of Azure Managed Disks that Zerto 7.5 leverages. These extended platform […]
Zerto 7.5 Delivers Uninterrupted Cloud Agility, Security and Analytics for Your “Always On” Business

Zerto 7.5 Delivers Uninterrupted Cloud Agility, Security and Analytics for Your “Always On” Business

September 24, 2019
Est. Reading Time: 4 minutes

Businesses continue to demand an always-on customer experience and that challenges IT professionals to find ways of adopting new technologies such as cloud to better protect a company’s data, reduce capital spend, and do more with existing resources. Essentially, it’s the ever-evolving challenge of moving at the speed of digital business using the right information […]
The Forrester Wave for Data Resiliency Solutions 2019 – Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees

The Forrester Wave for Data Resiliency Solutions 2019 – Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees

September 18, 2019

As everyone knows by now, Zerto is big on the concept of Resilience. So, when Forrester published the Forrester Wave for Data Resiliency Solutions Q3-2019, we took a close look. We were disappointed to find that under the pretense of “data resilience”, Forrester chose to stay behind and focus on legacy backup. Though the data […]
TaxSlayer Simplifies Data Protection with Zerto’s Consolidated DR and Backup Solution

TaxSlayer Simplifies Data Protection with Zerto’s Consolidated DR and Backup Solution

September 12, 2019

TaxSlayer, a leading online and professional tax and financial company, based in Augusta, GA, strives to make life simpler and less stressful for millions of Americans with their easy-to-use tax preparation software. The information technology team at TaxSlayer is committed to IT resilience as the foundation of exceptional customer experiences. TaxSlayer’s priority to deliver “always-on” […]
Hurricane Preparedness: Disaster Recovery Planning for Resilient IT

Hurricane Preparedness: Disaster Recovery Planning for Resilient IT

September 10, 2019
Est. Reading Time: 4 minutes

A recent IDC and Zerto survey estimates that as many as 50% of organizations could not survive a disaster event, with 91% of respondents experiencing a tech-related business disruption in the past two years. With the regular occurrence of data breaches and cyber-attacks on most people’s radar, the devastating impact that natural disasters can bring, […]
Zerto Makes Its Mark at VMworld 2019 San Francisco

Zerto Makes Its Mark at VMworld 2019 San Francisco

September 4, 2019

Zerto, a proud sponsor of VMworld, makes its mark with strategic partnerships, new capabilities and the expected energy of its Zertonians.  It’s a wrap! VMworld 2019 San Francisco is over, but we’re still buzzing around Zerto’s exciting news and activities that took place. VMworld’s theme this year was ‘Make Your Mark’, and we believe we met that expectation! Zerto took the bay area by storm, announcing new partnerships and […]
Curious About Azure VMware Solutions (AVS)? Zerto Offers Full Support

Curious About Azure VMware Solutions (AVS)? Zerto Offers Full Support

August 26, 2019
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

Today at VMworld 2019 Microsoft announced that Azure VMware Solutions would be adding a total of eight regions across the U.S., Western Europe and Asia Pacific by end of year. Zerto is proud to add the Azure VMware Solution (AVS) by CloudSimple as a supported platform for disaster recovery, replication, and workload mobility. Zerto customers […]

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