Test-Dev - Refresh & Maintain Environments with Ease - Zerto

Refresh and Maintain Environments with Ease 

With Zerto, you can unlock hidden efficiencies in IT operations and deliver self-service environment refreshes for application/development teams.

Automate Manual Processes 

Say goodbye to manual system deployment and configuration: Automate cloning and customization operations to streamline managing your numerous complex environments. 

There’s a Better Way to Test

With legacy methods, patch testing and deployment are processes that fill systems administrators and IT professionals with fear and uncertainty. Even worse, these concerns cause many organizations to fall behind in their patching processes, ultimately leading to lost revenue due to regulatory violation fines—and that doesn’t even say anything about the security risks involved with irregular or late patches. 

Zerto is the answer to any patch deployment hesitancies, offering easy, four-click initiation of non-disruptive testing against seconds-old, true copies of production in an isolated sandbox. After your four clicks, the testing can begin, providing you with visibility of the impact those patches will have on production. This allows you to stay compliant and limit potential exposure to threats, while reducing the time it takes to get results and apply to production. 

Refresh Environments with Ease 

All it takes is a few quick, pre-configuring steps before you can create copies of application environments.

Simply create a virtual protection group (VPG) for data protection and disaster recovery. 

Then, once the service-level agreement has been met, use the “Clone VPG” operation to duplicate the entire group’s VMs to a new environment.

Select from any checkpoint in the granular journal—including the most recent, seconds-old entry—and enable near-zero RPOs and data loss with identical-to-production environments that ensure accuracy and minimize the uncertainty that comes with using old copies.

Once set up, the cloning process takes minutes. Then you can enable post-recovery automation to make resulting systems unique. 

What is an Offsite Clone?

Boost Operational Efficiencies  

Zerto allows you to take a majority of the manual operations associated with Dev/Test refreshes and automate them, revolutionizing the way your teams complete these processes.

Orchestration and Automation

Zerto does much of the work for you through robust orchestration and automation capabilities, allowing you to repeat processes as often as necessary. This greatly simplifies IT operations by facilitating faster time to market, reducing errors associated with manual processes, and eliminating configuration drift.

Team Flexibility and Communication

By automating manual tasks, you allow personnel to repurpose their time toward transforming and innovating processes as well as pave the way for self-service and better coordination and communication between different teams. To top it off, initiating an automated process requires little expertise or specialization, giving you more team flexibility in execution. 

Beyond DR and Data Protection: Reduce Operational Overhead

Zerto Orchestration and Automation 

One Simple, Scalable Solution 

Zerto is simple, scalable, and software-only, with capabilities stemming past disaster recovery and data protection.

Virtual Protection Groups enable complete environment refresh—all at once—in minutes. 

Eliminate environment drift associated with manual refresh operations.

Free up personnel by automating manual work associated with application/development environment refreshes. 

What's Next?

Have a question about our product or capabilities? Contact us, we are here to help!  

Request a Demo  

 Want to see more? Schedule a demo customized to your unique needs.  

Try Zerto

Want to give Zerto a try? Get a free 14-day license and step-by-step instructions on deploying Zerto in your environment. 


Leveraging Zerto Failover Testing for DevTest

Understand how Zerto's failover testing capability, which was initially designed to provide an on-demand, nondisruptive way to validate a disaster recovery plan, can be leveraged for your Dev team.

Zerto Failover Testing for Dev On-Demand

Get more specific information about the Dev on-demand use case for teams in need of accurate, high-fidelity replicas of their environment for app development and testing.

Creating a Replica of your Environment with Zerto - Demo 

See how easy —and non-disruptive to your operations— it is to create a replica of your environment with Zerto failover testing capability.

Zerto Platform: How to Create an Offsite Clone - Demo

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Zerto Platform: Clone Overview

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Zerto Failover Testing: Creating a Replica of your Environment in a Bubble Network

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Zerto Failover Testing for Dev On-demand

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Zerto Failover Testing - Demo

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