Zerto Training Programs | Zerto

Zerto Training

Get in depth Zerto knowledge through certifications & hand-on labs!


Zerto Training helps you maximize your investment and enhance performance by leveraging Zerto's world-class learning programs.

Instructor Led Training

Zerto has partnered with HPE Education services to deliver Managing Zerto: Setup, Protection, and Recovery, a two-day virtual training class ideal for beginner or intermediate technical users of Zerto’s solutions. The class includes both expert-led instruction and hands-on labs, with a focus on using Zerto in hybrid or on-premises environments with VMware vSphere.

(Opens in new tab and goes to www.hpe.com)

Hands-on Labs

Hands-on Labs: The myZerto labs portal includes a variety of offerings to enable you to experience Zerto firsthand in live learning environments. Labs are available on-demand: deploy any time, anywhere, from your own computer, with no additional setup nor prior expertise required.

Labs cover topics such as installing and configuring Zerto, failing over to and from Azure and AWS, recovering from ransomware and more!

Available Zerto Certifications

Zerto offers different certifications for different audiences. Whichever category you fall into, you must register for a free myZerto account in order to access the certifications.

Active Customer
Signed Partner



Zerto Certified Professional: Enterprise Engineer

Intermediate -Advanced


Zerto Certified
Professional: Azure

Intermediate -Advanced


Zerto Certified Professional: Sales

Beginner - Intermediate


Zerto Certified Professional: Managed Service Provider

Intermediate -Advanced

Technical, MSPs



Note: HPE distributors and partners , click here.

Additional Courses

Additional non-certification courses will be added on an ad hoc basis. Check back frequently to see what’s new in Zerto University!

Zerto badges

Zerto has partnered with Credly’s Acclaim platform to award digital badges to earners of all new and updated certifications. Digital badges let the world know what you’ve accomplished by helping you publicize your accomplishments on social media, on your website, and in your email signature. Digital badges are also portable, so if you change jobs, your credentials stay with you. For more information on Zerto training or digital badging, check out our frequently asked questions below.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Q: Where can I get a Zerto University account?

A: You can create a myZerto account here. Use the email address provided by your company to sign up in order to ensure you have access to your company’s training, analytics, and support cases.

Q: How do I use Zerto University and Credly?

A: Check out How to use Zerto University for step-by-step instructions on signing up, navigating to your courses, and obtaining and sharing your certification badge.

Q: How do I maintain my certification?

A: Since most of our certifications consist of short training objects, you only need to watch new objects within our certification learning plans. If there is a green checkmark over the video, only repeat it if you want a review. Once all the learning objects have a green checkmark, you have earned the newer certification.

Badging and Credly Questions

Q: What is Credly?

A: Credly is an end-to-end solution for issuing and managing digital credentials. Credly works with organizations around the world, including Zerto, to offer digital badges and certifications.

Q: What are the benefits of a badge?

A: Representing your skills as a badge gives you a way to share your abilities online in a way that is simple, trusted and can be easily verified in real time. Badges provide employers and peers concrete evidence of what you had to do to earn your credential and what you’re now capable of. Credly’s Acclaim Platform also offers labor market insights, based on your skills. You can search and apply for job opportunities right through the Acclaim Platform.

Q: Will open badges replace the paper certificate I used to download? 

A: Yes. Open badges are web-enabled versions of a credential, certification, or learning outcome which can be verified in real-time, online maintained by IMS Global. Because of the added portability and verifiability of digital badges, we’ve decided to offer these exclusively for our certification programs.

Q: How do I receive a badge?

A: Upon completion of a certification in Zerto University, you can give Zerto consent to send your information to Credly. You will then receive an email notification from the Acclaim Platform (admin@youracclaim.com) with instructions for claiming your badge and setting up your account.

Q: I was certified prior to Zerto 8.0 launch. How can I get my badge?

A: Just complete the new microlearning objects within the new learning plan and you’ll have the opportunity to opt into your digital badge.

Q: Is there a fee to use Credly’s Acclaim Platform?

A: No. This is a service we provide to you at no cost.

Q: How can I share my badge on social media?

A: You can share your badge directly from the Credly Acclaim Platform to LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook; over email; embedded in a website; or in your email signature.

Q: Help! I received an error when I clicked on the link at the end of the certification.

A: If you see “Issuer earner already has this badge, Recipient email already has this badge”, you’ve already clicked on the link once and the badge already been issued to you. Check your profile on Credly’s Acclaim platform.

If you see “We were unable to verify completion of this course”, our system was unable to verify that you earned the certification. Please contact training@zerto.com for assistance.

For more on Credly and their digital badges, check out the FAQs at https://support.youracclaim.com

How to use Zerto University

Q: How to use Zerto University and what courses are available for you?

A: Check out this article to learn more.

What's Next?

Get started with a training class or a certification, whatever meets your needs!

Zerto Certified Associate

Start with this introductory certification that covers the key concepts, features, and workflows of Zerto.

Instructor-Led Training

Register for a two-day virtual training class ideal for beginner or intermediate technical users of Zerto.

Zerto Certified Associate

This introductory certification covers the key concepts, features, and workflows of Zerto.

Zerto Certified Professional: Enterprise Engineer

This certification dives deeper into Zerto’s key components, recovery operations data flows, installation, setup and management of Zerto.

Zerto Certified Professional: Azure

This certification covers the installation, setup, and management of Zerto with Microsoft Azure.

Zerto Certified Professional: Sales

This certification prepares you to sell Zerto. Topics include Zerto overview, messaging and positioning, selling Zerto, competitive analysis, and how to leverage the Zerto ecosystem.

Zerto Certified Professional: Managed Service Provider

This certification informs managed/cloud service providers how to set up and manage disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) and intra-cloud disaster recovery (ICDR) with Zerto.

Zerto Certified Service Partner

The Zerto Certified Service Partner certification is a comprehensive exam tailored for experienced Zerto partners to demonstrate their expertise in installing and troubleshooting Zerto technology.