Try Zerto For Free: The Basics and See It In Action - Zerto

Try Zerto for Free

From learning the basics to seeing Zerto in action

Two ways to try!

Thank you for considering Zerto as a solution to meet your data protection and recovery needs, or as a way to streamline your IT Operations! There are two ways you can learn more about Zerto. Both options will give you a chance to experience the solution and evaluate Zerto based on your end goal.

Free On-Demand Labs

Perfect for those looking to learn about the critical features & functionalities of the software.

...there’s no better way to get started with Zerto than experiencing it firsthand in a hands-on lab. They’re available anytime, with on-demand access to suit your schedule."


Kevin Cole, Head of Learning & Enablement

Key Features

No Time Limit

Our Infrastructure

Latest Version (Older Version Support)

Instant Deployment

Online, step-by-step lab guide

Free Trial

Ideal to evaluate Zerto in your own environment and run use cases specific to your business needs.

Definitely take the free trial and put it through its paces ... It gives you a good opportunity to play with the tools without having to worry about causing any problems in the environment.

Pillsbury Madison & Sutro

David Corner, Senior Network Engineer

Key Features

14 Day Trial

Your own enviroment

Latest Version

Download of  Software &  License

Self-guided – With installation guide