Zerto in Action
Seeing Is Believing
See for yourself how easy it is to install and manage Zerto
Installation and Configuration
Can you be installed and protecting in under an hour? Learn about the simple steps needed to install, configure, and begin replicating with Zerto. From deploying a Virtual Manager (ZVM) and Virtual Replication Appliances (VRAs) to setting up Protection Groups (VPGs) for your applications, Zerto brings consumer-level simplicity to the enterprise world.
Zerto Installation & Setup
Components of Zerto

Live Failover and Testing
Zerto's failover capability lets you run tests at any time without impacting production. That same feature also enables you to spin up on-demand replica environments for dev/test, patch testing, and other QA activities. See how easy it is to do a live failover in case of an outage or disruption.
Zerto Live Failover and Failover Test
Zerto Non-Disruptive Testing
Ransomware Resilience
Zerto uses real-time encryption detection to offer the earliest warning system for possible ransomware infections. Using fully automated failover and failback, you can then recover encrypted files and VMs to within minutes of infection. Simply select a checkpoint in your journal and rollback to the uninfected state in no time.
How to Recover from Ransomware
Zerto as a Solution to Ransomware

Disaster Recovery
Zerto’s continuous data protection (CDP), which uses near- synchronous replication and unique journaling technology, supports granular recoveries that achieve near-zero RPOs near zero.
Zerto Live Failover for DR
Zerto for Disaster Recovery Use Cases
Zerto makes complicated, lengthy migrations a thing of the past. With just a few clicks, you begin your move and Zerto's powerful orchestration and automation capabilities take care of the rest. With zerto data loss and RTOs of minutes, no-hassle migrations enable true multi-cloud mobility.
Workload Migrations
Zerto for Migration Use Cases

Zerto Analytics
Zerto's SaaS-based analytics delivers complete visibility across all your environment through out-of-the-box dashboards and reports. Get real-time views of your protected applications to ensure SLAs are met and even get access to predictive infrastructure planning with Zerto's resource planner.
Analytics: Visibility & Planning
Zerto Analytics
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